Lady with Handbag, 2000, Painted polyester resin, 63 × 36 × 15 cm, ed. 47/150
Niki de Saint PhalleLady with Handbag, 2000, Painted polyester resin, 63 × 36 × 15 cm, ed. 47/150
L'arbre de Vie, 1991, Metal, polyester painted by hand, 64 × 48 cm
Niki de Saint PhalleL'arbre de Vie, 1991, Metal, polyester painted by hand, 64 × 48 cm
L'oiseau Amoureux, 2000, Painted polyester resin, cermaic vase, 60 × 50 × 22 cm, ed. 32/150
Niki de Saint PhalleL'oiseau Amoureux, 2000, Painted polyester resin, cermaic vase, 60 × 50 × 22 cm, ed. 32/150
Mother and Child, 2000, Hand-painted polyester, 143 × 175 × 82 cm, ed. 17/20
Niki de Saint PhalleMother and Child, 2000, Hand-painted polyester, 143 × 175 × 82 cm, ed. 17/20
Hybrid Semi-Social Solitary Instrument Aoede 761.41 Built By A Solo Cyrtophora Citricola - Two Weeks And A Solo Tegenaria Domestica - Four Weeks, 2016, Spider silk, ink, carbon fibre frame), 37.5 × 38.5 × 28.5 cm(interior dimensions)
Tomas SaracenoHybrid Semi-Social Solitary Instrument Aoede 761.41 Built By A Solo Cyrtophora Citricola - Two Weeks And A Solo Tegenaria Domestica - Four Weeks, 2016, Spider silk, ink, carbon fibre frame), 37.5 × 38.5 × 28.5 cm(interior dimensions)
Solitary Mapping of Triton 5.876 854 07 By A Solo Linyphiidae Sp. - Three Weeks, 2016, Spider silk, ink, fi×ative, archival paper, Spinnenseide, Tinte, Fi×iermittel, Archivpapier, 24.5 × 24.5 cm (TS291)
Tomas SaracenoSolitary Mapping of Triton 5.876 854 07 By A Solo Linyphiidae Sp. - Three Weeks, 2016, Spider silk, ink, fi×ative, archival paper, Spinnenseide, Tinte, Fi×iermittel, Archivpapier, 24.5 × 24.5 cm (TS291)
Untitled (Door Cycle), 2006, Screenprint (glossy black) on white painted wood door panel, 200 × 90 × 4 cm, ed. 15
Wilhelm SasnalUntitled (Door Cycle), 2006, Screenprint (glossy black) on white painted wood door panel, 200 × 90 × 4 cm, ed. 15
Danger Dirty Data, 2021, Silkscreen print in two colors on archival paper, 16 × 22 cm, ed.128/700
Julia ScherDanger Dirty Data, 2021, Silkscreen print in two colors on archival paper, 16 × 22 cm, ed.128/700
Subway Directions To My House, 2009, Marker, prismar color on paper, 130 × 59.7 cm
Michael ScogginsSubway Directions To My House, 2009, Marker, prismar color on paper, 130 × 59.7 cm
Classical Still Life, 1990, Porcelain, glaze, 34.5 × 52 × 30.5 cm, ed. 95
George SegalClassical Still Life, 1990, Porcelain, glaze, 34.5 × 52 × 30.5 cm, ed. 95
17 Artists' Mirrors & Alzheimer's Disease (for the Claude Pompidou Foundation), Mirror and serigraphie on cut aluminum 65 × 76 × 0.5 cm
Antonio Segui17 Artists' Mirrors & Alzheimer's Disease (for the Claude Pompidou Foundation), Mirror and serigraphie on cut aluminum 65 × 76 × 0.5 cm
황실의 품위 The Dignity of the Imperial Household-계명지조(鷄鳴之助), 2016, Gold foils copper foils gold particles mineral color ink on Korean paper, 73 × 53 cm
Seo soo young (서수영)황실의 품위 The Dignity of the Imperial Household-계명지조(鷄鳴之助), 2016, Gold foils copper foils gold particles mineral color ink on Korean paper, 73 × 53 cm
Untitled, 1981, Screenprint on Japon, signed and dated in pencil Numbered 'PP I/III‘ , ed. 24 + 5 AP
Joel ShapiroUntitled, 1981, Screenprint on Japon, signed and dated in pencil Numbered 'PP I/III‘ , ed. 24 + 5 AP
Market Monday, 2017, acyrlic paint on canvas, 198.1 × 350.5 cm
Shelby and SandyMarket Monday, 2017, acyrlic paint on canvas, 198.1 × 350.5 cm
판화 10점, Edition 1/20 - 10/20, 61 x 107 cm
Shelby and Sandy판화 10점, Edition 1/20 - 10/20, 61 x 107 cm
There Is No Essence - Buddha, 2013, Paper, urethane clear on paper, 50 × 50 × 50 cm
Shin Ho Yoon (신호윤)There Is No Essence - Buddha, 2013, Paper, urethane clear on paper, 50 × 50 × 50 cm
Head, 1995, Ceramic, H30 × W28 × D27 cm
Shin Sang Ho (신상호)Head, 1995, Ceramic, H30 × W28 × D27 cm
Wall-Board, 2005, Wood, resin, 60 × 42 cm
Willi SiberWall-Board, 2005, Wood, resin, 60 × 42 cm
Aviso Publico / Public Notice (Door Cycle), 2006, Metal sign (cast aluminum relief) on galvanized iron door with hardware, 198.5 × 98 × 12 cm, ed. 15
Santiago SierraAviso Publico / Public Notice (Door Cycle), 2006, Metal sign (cast aluminum relief) on galvanized iron door with hardware, 198.5 × 98 × 12 cm, ed. 15
Ballerina (Stretching Left/Right), 2000, etching, engraving, aquatint and collage of tissue paper and glitter on Somerset, 76.2 × 55.88 cm(each), ed. 1/24
Kiki SmithBallerina (Stretching Left/Right), 2000, etching, engraving, aquatint and collage of tissue paper and glitter on Somerset, 76.2 × 55.88 cm(each), ed. 1/24
Crystals, 2000, Aquatint and Etching on Paper, 22.9 × 17.8 cm (Plate), 43.2 × 35.6 cm(Sheet), Ed. 9/24
Kiki SmithCrystals, 2000, Aquatint and Etching on Paper, 22.9 × 17.8 cm (Plate), 43.2 × 35.6 cm(Sheet), Ed. 9/24
Her Bouquet, 2007-2008, ink on Nepal paper with glass glitter, lithographic crayon and silk tissue; oil paint on mouth-blown clear antique glass with white and yellow gold leaf, two works on Nepal paper: 186.7 cm × 217.2 cm and 190.5 cm × 218.4 cm, three glass panels: 60 cm × 50.2 cm(each)
Kiki SmithHer Bouquet, 2007-2008, ink on Nepal paper with glass glitter, lithographic crayon and silk tissue; oil paint on mouth-blown clear antique glass with white and yellow gold leaf, two works on Nepal paper: 186.7 cm × 217.2 cm and 190.5 cm × 218.4 cm, three glass panels: 60 cm × 50.2 cm(each)
Ich bin Hungrig, 1999, Silkscreen and hand painting, on antiqued mirrored glass, 58 × 45 × 0.5 cm, ed. 99
Kiki SmithIch bin Hungrig, 1999, Silkscreen and hand painting, on antiqued mirrored glass, 58 × 45 × 0.5 cm, ed. 99
Untitled: Flower Farts, 2004, Set of five postcards sized Iris prints with tissue collage, 13 × 18 cm(each)
Kiki SmithUntitled: Flower Farts, 2004, Set of five postcards sized Iris prints with tissue collage, 13 × 18 cm(each)
여름방학, 2022, mixed media on canvas, 73 × 91 cm
Gina Sohn (지나 손)여름방학, 2022, mixed media on canvas, 73 × 91 cm
배변의 기술, 2010, 철에 채색, 35 × 55 × 25 cm, ed. 4/5
Son HyunOok (손현욱)배변의 기술, 2010, 철에 채색, 35 × 55 × 25 cm, ed. 4/5
Usefulness of Uselessness No.14, 2017, old wooden windows, mirror, mirror panel, glass, 134 × 111.5 cm
Song DongUsefulness of Uselessness No.14, 2017, old wooden windows, mirror, mirror panel, glass, 134 × 111.5 cm
17 Artists' Mirrors & Alzheimer's Disease (for the Claude Pompidou Foundation), Srigraphie on mirror and on plexiglass, 50 × 50 × 5 cm
Jesus Rafael Soto17 Artists' Mirrors & Alzheimer's Disease (for the Claude Pompidou Foundation), Srigraphie on mirror and on plexiglass, 50 × 50 × 5 cm
Untitled (from the Jai-Alai series), 1969, Painted metal rods, nylon strings, plexiglass (2 pieces), 78 × 35.5 × 15 cm(each), ed. 300
Jesus-Rafael SotoUntitled (from the Jai-Alai series), 1969, Painted metal rods, nylon strings, plexiglass (2 pieces), 78 × 35.5 × 15 cm(each), ed. 300
Egplosis, 1996, Lithograph, Etching, Aquatint, Stamping on Paper, 65.4 cm diameter, ed. 36 Relief
Frank StellaEgplosis, 1996, Lithograph, Etching, Aquatint, Stamping on Paper, 65.4 cm diameter, ed. 36 Relief
Mysterious Bird of Ulieta, 1977, Offset Lithograph and Screenprint in Colors on Arches 88 Mould-made Paper, 83.5 × 114 cm, ed. 3/50
Frank StellaMysterious Bird of Ulieta, 1977, Offset Lithograph and Screenprint in Colors on Arches 88 Mould-made Paper, 83.5 × 114 cm, ed. 3/50
Untitled, Unknown, Bronze, 35 × 56 × 30 cm
Frank StellaUntitled, Unknown, Bronze, 35 × 56 × 30 cm
Outside2, 2015, mixed media(epo×y clay, mirror, paper board, wood, pictures of past work, lighting system), D54 × W32.5 × H173 cm
Kenji SugiyamaOutside2, 2015, mixed media(epo×y clay, mirror, paper board, wood, pictures of past work, lighting system), D54 × W32.5 × H173 cm
Gate-Small, 2003, Silk, stainless steel, tube, 326.5 × 211.5 × 100 cm, ed. 2/3
Suh Do-Ho (서도호)Gate-Small, 2003, Silk, stainless steel, tube, 326.5 × 211.5 × 100 cm, ed. 2/3
Tangled Man, 2019, Thread embedded in handmade cotton paper, 206 × 305 × 7 cm
Suh Do-Ho (서도호)Tangled Man, 2019, Thread embedded in handmade cotton paper, 206 × 305 × 7 cm
Auf großer Reise(On a Big Trip), 2007, Bronze casting, 21 × 11 × 11 cm, ed. 7/12
Tamara SuhrAuf großer Reise(On a Big Trip), 2007, Bronze casting, 21 × 11 × 11 cm, ed. 7/12
Made In China, 2007, Synthetic resin, baked lacquer (3 pieces), 87 × 61 × 33.7 cm, White: ed. 23/150, Pink: ed. 70/150, Black: ed. 30/150
Jianguo SuiMade In China, 2007, Synthetic resin, baked lacquer (3 pieces), 87 × 61 × 33.7 cm, White: ed. 23/150, Pink: ed. 70/150, Black: ed. 30/150
저수지 근방, 2023, oil pastel, oil stick, Acrylic oil on canvas, 202.5×171cm
Gina Sohn저수지 근방, 2023, oil pastel, oil stick, Acrylic oil on canvas, 202.5×171cm