Over the River, Project for the Arkansas river, state of Colorado, 2000, Pencil, pastel, charcoal, crayon, hand-drawn topographic map, photograph and tape (drawing in two parts), Above: 38 × 244 cm, Below: 106.6 × 244 cm
Christo JavacheffOver the River, Project for the Arkansas river, state of Colorado, 2000, Pencil, pastel, charcoal, crayon, hand-drawn topographic map, photograph and tape (drawing in two parts), Above: 38 × 244 cm, Below: 106.6 × 244 cm
Running Fence, 1976, lithograph with collage (3 pieces), 34 × 44 cm
Christo JavacheffRunning Fence, 1976, lithograph with collage (3 pieces), 34 × 44 cm
Sleeping Fawn, 2000, Lithograph, silkscreen and collage of polyethylene, twine and crayon on chipboard, 81.3 × 58.4 cm, ed. 100 + 25 AP
Christo JavacheffSleeping Fawn, 2000, Lithograph, silkscreen and collage of polyethylene, twine and crayon on chipboard, 81.3 × 58.4 cm, ed. 100 + 25 AP
Wrapped Motorcycle, 1997, Lithograph with Collage of Broadcloth, Polyethylene, Twine, and Pencil, 54.6 × 45.7 cm, ed. 5/130
Christo JavacheffWrapped Motorcycle, 1997, Lithograph with Collage of Broadcloth, Polyethylene, Twine, and Pencil, 54.6 × 45.7 cm, ed. 5/130
Wrapped Statue, 1996, Offset lithograph, silscreen, polyethylene, twine, crayon, on cardboard, 86.4 × 66 cm
Christo JavacheffWrapped Statue, 1996, Offset lithograph, silscreen, polyethylene, twine, crayon, on cardboard, 86.4 × 66 cm
기댄 남자 A reclining man, Oil on canvas, 2017, 33.3 × 24.2 cm
Jeon Byung Koo (전병구)기댄 남자 A reclining man, Oil on canvas, 2017, 33.3 × 24.2 cm
The Leaf72160, 2007, copper wire, H160 × W160 cm
Jeong Kwang Ho (정광호)The Leaf72160, 2007, copper wire, H160 × W160 cm
The Pot, copper wire
Jeong Kwang Ho (정광호)The Pot, copper wire
Romantic Words, Oil pastel on panel, 2019, 162 × 130 cm
JIHI (지히)Romantic Words, Oil pastel on panel, 2019, 162 × 130 cm
Self-Portrait at the Tuileries, 2019, Pastel on paper, 40 x 30 cm
Chantal JoffeSelf-Portrait at the Tuileries, 2019, Pastel on paper, 40 x 30 cm
Self-Portrait at Tuileries, 2019, Oil on panel, 215 x 152 cm
Chantal JoffeSelf-Portrait at Tuileries, 2019, Oil on panel, 215 x 152 cm
Chest, 1968, Silkscreen print on fiberglass, 37 × 26 × 12 cm, ed. 2000
Allen JonesChest, 1968, Silkscreen print on fiberglass, 37 × 26 × 12 cm, ed. 2000
Spirtello (Scissors), 1990, Bronze, Brass, Wood, sculpture: 27.5 cm, overall : 29 × 18 cm, ed. 50
Allen JonesSpirtello (Scissors), 1990, Bronze, Brass, Wood, sculpture: 27.5 cm, overall : 29 × 18 cm, ed. 50
Untitled (S. 261- 270) , 1992, set of ten woodcuts printed in black, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green on Japanese paper, 58.4 × 78.1 cm(each), ed. 4/30 + 13 AP
Donald JuddUntitled (S. 261- 270) , 1992, set of ten woodcuts printed in black, blue, purple, red, orange, yellow and green on Japanese paper, 58.4 × 78.1 cm(each), ed. 4/30 + 13 AP
평양반닫이, 2015, 백골: 인조대리석, 장석: 백동, H140 × W210 × D45 cm
Jung Ku Ho (정구호)평양반닫이, 2015, 백골: 인조대리석, 장석: 백동, H140 × W210 × D45 cm