AT-10 Coffee Table, 1950~1959, Teak, Rattan, 160 × 50 × 50cm
Hans WegnerAT-10 Coffee Table, 1950~1959, Teak, Rattan, 160 × 50 × 50cm
Dining Table - Model AT 303, 1950, Manufactured by Andreas Tuck, Teak, brass, 160 × 86 × 72 cm
Hans WegnerDining Table - Model AT 303, 1950, Manufactured by Andreas Tuck, Teak, brass, 160 × 86 × 72 cm
Konkylie Lamp, 1967, Set of three polished and painted louvered metal hanging lights, 37.5 × 39 × 39 cm
Louis WeisdorfKonkylie Lamp, 1967, Set of three polished and painted louvered metal hanging lights, 37.5 × 39 × 39 cm
Gtreadle Sewing Machine (2Pcs), 1984, Mixed media, 84 × 41 × 97H cm, 55 × 44 × 79H cm
Wheeler & Wilson 외Gtreadle Sewing Machine (2Pcs), 1984, Mixed media, 84 × 41 × 97H cm, 55 × 44 × 79H cm
Piano Chair, 1955, Painted Wood (Black), 48 × 46 ×62 cm
Vilhelm WohlertPiano Chair, 1955, Painted Wood (Black), 48 × 46 ×62 cm